Who We Are versus What We Do? I feel like I have written on this subject before but I am coming at the subject from a different angle in this post. The first time I wrote on the subject I was thinking about how much who we are is wrapped up in what we do for a living. I was…

Author: Joel Mearig
Self-Employment I am considering going out on my own and doing something that has been a dream for over 15 years. I have always wanted to start my own consulting business in the area of process expertise. The good thing about this type of business is that it is very open and I can address a wide variety of business…
Job Search
Job Search I have been out of work for over 5 and a half years. In that span I have made money by working but not in a job for which I have been educated or trained. The past five years have been my most stagnant and depressing years for professional growth. The lack of professional satisfaction in my work…
Ode to Dad
#Ode to Dad I have a strong belief that dads are crucial to the future success of a nation. One of the largest problems in the United States is that dads refuse to be dads, fathers, family leaders and strong influencers and are instead just part of the duo that create a life. I have been blessed to have close…
Anticipation I have been thinking about how I live my life and how anticipation plays a role. Then I started thinking about whether a person can live life free of anticipation and if they can why would they want to? Is life worth living without anticipation? I like the word anticipation over expectation as I think it holds a little…
Ode to Mom
Ode to Mom My brief research shows that a U.S. President, who probably really loved his mother, made Mother’s Day an official holiday in May of 1914. I also read of a couple of ladies who really pushed for this official recognition based on the love they had for their mothers. I, personally, hope that the creation of the holiday…
What Defines a Man?
What Defines a Man? I have no intentions of this post being a political stance and am not writing this to offend. I also use the term “man” because that is what I am but feel the post offers wisdom for women as well. As I grow older I find myself in situations where I never expected to be and…
Hinkley Dairy
Biblical History
Biblical History I am not a big fan of history, Biblical or otherwise. I am not sure if I find if boring, complicated or out of reach. I understand that not everyone will love history and the study of the same. Many find Biblical history boring and its study non-essential. While I may struggle to love Biblical history as I…
Asking God’s Forgiveness
Asking God’s Forgiveness Are we required to ask God for forgiveness? The short answer is, No but that would make for a very short post so you know there is more. The first thing we need to recognize is what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross and resurrecting three days later. The act provided us a gift…